Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Helix High SADD national "Chapter of the Year"


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July 9, 2011 (Marlborough, MA) SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) recognized Helix Charter High School SADD of La Mesa with the 2011 SADD National Chapter of the Year Award.
 This award is given to the chapter with the most creative and comprehensive approach to realizing the SADD mission of promoting safe and healthy decision-making among youth.
The honor was presented by SADD President and Executive Director Penny Wells at the 2011 SADD National Conference Awards Banquet  June 28 in Chicago.
“Helix developed a comprehensive and effective prevention program in a relatively short period of time,” said Wells. Helix is one of several chapters being supported by a unique corporate partnership program between SADD and DCH Auto Group, a leading automotive retail group with dealerships in California and metropolitan New York.

"DCH believes it can play a positive role in improving teen driver safety, and DCH employees have been working hand-in-hand with this chapter over the past two years," Wells said. "It’s exciting to see the positive results when a group of talented and dedicated young people receive support and appreciation from caring adults, including committed business leaders. We hope other corporations will follow DCH’s lead in investing in the youth of their communities.”

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